The Treasure Beach Destination Management Organization (TB DMO) has been in virtual operation since September 2016, transitioning from the Treasure Beach Cluster to the TB DMO board and full operation. The creation of the TB DMO is the tangible outcome of the Local Economic Development Project for Treasure Beach funded by Compete Caribbean March 2014 – November 2016.

The Treasure Beach DMO (TB DMO) is both a management and marketing organization. It is a dynamic organization that focuses on more than day to day management of the DMO but also focuses on marketing the Treasure Beach destination to the appropriate clientele who would be attracted to our niche market of community tourism.

Our goal is to market all members of the TB DMO under the same Treasure Beach umbrella.

Our creed

“We believe in the “nature” of things. We believe they should be the way they are and not the way we want them to be. We don’t believe in massification. We believe in people that are looking for unusual experiences, sharing their life with others.  We believe in people that enjoy the simplest things in life. We believe in people that enjoy a simple chat about nothing in particular without any rush. We believe in the authenticity of moments and not in moments created artificially. We believe that being part of something is much greater than being part of nothing. We believe that by sharing what we have, what we are, what we can do, we become the wealthiest people on the entire planet”

Community-based Tourism is about sharing…. sharing moments, sharing your heritage, sharing sustainability, sharing real life. As human beings, we all want to be part of something… to be part of special moments; we want to feel good by being part of something, we want to feel we belong there.

Treasure Beach, YOU ARE BORN HERE.  More than sharing, it means to belong, which is a core concept in the lives of human beings. Being the home of the Community-based Tourism, Treasure Beach welcomes into the community anyone willing to share its values. Treasure Beach makes you feel as if you were part of them.

Our vision

In the Year 2030, Treasure Beach will be known throughout Jamaica, the Caribbean, and the World as a successful and model community tourism destination that provides visitors the opportunity to experience Jamaican cultural and natural heritage through immersive experiences delivered by small and micro tourism enterprises. Treasure Beach will be managed by a sustainable and effective public private partnership working in harmony to increase visitor arrivals, increase economic impact, enhance visitor experiences, create and support linkages in the sector, and ensure the participation of the entire Treasure Beach Community in destination planning and management.

The Treasure Beach tourism product will be at the forefront of tourism competitiveness, through strategic investments in infrastructure, education, marketing, and the development of unique visitor experiences that appeal to high-value markets around the globe. Tourism will significantly increase its contribution to Treasure Beach economic growth and development, through increases in visitor spending and linkages throughout the community. The focus will be on the quality and diversity of visitor arrivals, not total number of visitors.

Our Goals

  • Visitor volume growth: Increasing the number of leisure, MICE, and other visitors.
  • Economic development and growth: Assisting with the economic development of the community and generating more income and employment.
  • Tax income creation: Creating more tax income and, therefore, have more lobbying power within the government to suggest and recommend positive changes and assurances keeping the type of tourism low density.
  • Marketing and branding: Enhancing the marketing and branding of the destination through attending trade shows and other events exposing Treasure Beach to a larger group. Hosting travel agents in Treasure Beach specifically interested in the niche market of community tourism.
  • Visitor services and satisfaction: Providing unbiased information online and offline helping to improve service standards in tourism; and encouraging the creation of new experiences for visitors.
  • Leadership and coordination of tourism stakeholders: Getting the stakeholders into a more unified team with a shared vision and objectives.
  • Local living standards and lifestyles: Offering local residents new and improved facilities and services they can enjoy, as well as an improved local environment.
  • Community pride: Boosting residents’ pride and sense of place.

How to Become a Member

To become a member of the TB DMO you need to either be working towards or have achieved compliancy according to the Jamaica Tourist Board or the equivalent governing agency pertaining to your business and be in good standing with the community of Treasure Beach offering a product or service which enhances the community.

Membership includes:

  • An ad on this website
  • Representation at all trade shows and/or events where the TB DMO is present
  • A combined community voice bringing representation to appropriate entities lobbying for change and improvement to the community
  • Receiving advice and assistance in setting up and maintaining a small business within Treasure Beach.
  • Communicating with other stakeholders allowing you to keep abreast of programs and/or events pertaining to Treasure Beach.

Membership Fees:

Hotel – $2,000 US per year

Villa – $1,000 US per year

Guest House/Bed & Breakfast – $500 US per year

Large Restaurant (seats over 20 persons) – $500 US per year

Small Restaurant (seats under 20 persons) – $200 US per year

Small Business, Driver, Boat Tour Operator – $200 US per year

NGO – $100 US per year

Contact Us


Phone: (876) 808-2125 or (876) 931-0281